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Empire Athletics  2024-2025
Competitive Program Information

Competitive cheerleading is an exciting sport that combines dance, stunting, pyramids, tumbling and jumps into a choreographed routine. Teams will then perform their routine at competitions to be compared against other teams in the same age and skill level.

Cheerleading is open to everyone ages 4 years and up and we have different options available in terms of commitment and competitiveness. These team options are Novice, Prep and Elite and these options are meant to give everyone who would like to cheer an opportunity to do so. Novice and Prep options have reduced time and financial commitments for those athletes who might not be able to make the full commitment of an Elite team. 

Competitive teams for Season 9:

U6 Novice - Queen Bees
Birth Years: 2018-2020

U8 Novice - Imperial
Birth Years: 2016-2018

U8 Prep - Majesty
Birth Years: 2016-2018

U12 Prep - Royalty
Birth Years: 2012-2017

U12 Elite Level 1 - Eminence
Birth Years: 2012-2017

U16 Elite Level 1 - Monarchy
Birth Years: 2008-2013

BCU18 Elite Level 2 - Heiress
Birth Years: 2006-2014

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